Wall Street

For many investors, it’s a common belief that maintaining a diverse financial portfolio is an effective way to minimize risk. To those who follow this strategy, the idea is that holding stocks in multiple different sectors can potentially offset some of the losses that would’ve arisen from having placed all their chips on a single failing investment. Their ownership of shares in a wide array of other better-performing investments may serve as a buoy to the negatives that they’ll inevitably encounter when trading.

That being said, it should come as no surprise that purchasing shares of stocks always carries a certain measure of risk with it, as past returns will never guarantee future market results. However, the potential of compounding interest still entices investors to put their money into the market, and weigh its risks accordingly.

Physical assets that your company might own such as equipment, cargo, and fleet vehicles are all just as much valuable investments as they are functional tools, and with Actsoft solutions, they can be shielded from risk. Features of our software like GPS Tracking and Alerts help your team thoroughly manage its materials, and use them more efficiently in the field by detailing their near real-time locations. Any time you’re unsure of where a particular asset is located, simply open up your Actsoft application and pinpoint it.

Take asset security a step further with Geofences, another feature of our products. Using Geofences, you can draw boundaries around job zones on your solution’s live view map, and monitor any entries or exits of the perimeter by your team’s tracked equipment. Alerts keep administrators informed of work site on the fly and help them verify that company tools are being used properly around the clock.

Never leave the assets that your business requires to chance with our solutions. Once the risk has been eliminated from the picture of equipment security, retain peace of mind while your tools are dispersed, and allow some of the most accurate tracking technology available to start saving you money.

Have any questions on how Actsoft can help you?

Call (888) 732-6638 or Receive a Live Webinar

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About the author : Andrew Forest

Drew Forest is a writer, marketer, and content creator. He enjoys traveling, fantasy football, and watching Tampa Bay sports teams win championships.