Construction site

Both residential and commercial construction companies can benefit from implementing our premier software, Mobile Workforce Plus, particularly because of its GPS-tracking capability. You can keep better tabs on your construction equipment, vehicles, and workers via location reporting, which helps to enhance output and enable more informed decision-making for your managers at a second’s notice.

GPS Tracking for Equipment

Large assets your construction company relies on, like cranes, bulldozers, pavers, loaders, and excavators, can be monitored via battery-powered asset trackers. Plus, for any other construction equipment types your crews may use, our software is compatible with 12-volt or 24-volt electrical systems and ignition switches, so you’re fully aware of everything that happens regarding your equipment. Being able to leave your assets in the field overnight at construction sites with 24/7 monitoring is beneficial because it reduces unnecessary transport for your workers and helps keep equipment more secure from misuse or theft.

GPS Tracking for Vehicles

Trucks your construction crew uses to bring supplies to the work zone can also be monitored via MWP’s GPS Tracking feature. In addition to keeping your vehicles secure (much like your assets), there’s even more value to be gained from tracking your heavy-duty trucks, like reduced fuel costs. Plus, by reviewing full data on how they’re being operated daily, you can more easily curb wasteful driving habits like idling and harsh accelerations to further lower overall expenses.

GPS Tracking for Construction Workers

During working hours, tracking the positions of your team helps you better optimize productivity and implement additional fallback methods to respond to emergencies quicker. Knowing where employees are in relation to emergency-affected areas allows you to direct them to new locations or dispatch assistance to them nearly instantly, keeping your workforce more cohesive and versatile enough to mitigate hazards.

GPS Tracking on Mobile Workforce Plus provides your construction workforce with valuable benefits related to security, output, decision-making, and safety. Book a free live demo of our flagship software in action today to learn more about what it can do for you.

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About the author : Andrew Forest

Drew Forest is a writer, marketer, and content creator. He enjoys traveling, fantasy football, and watching Tampa Bay sports teams win championships.