If there’s anything that can be said about the year’s end, it’s that December 31 is almost indisputably the biggest party night of the year. One needs to look no further than the hordes of people that flock to New York City’s Times Square (roughly one million were anticipated for the close of 2018) to watch a shimmering crystal ball descend a pole perched atop One Times Square. Others, looking for (slightly) smaller crowds, gather at bars and clubs. For those really averse to the throngs of partygoers that are unavoidable at public New Year’s Eve celebrations, house parties are where it’s at.
Regardless of the venue, hundreds of millions of people around the globe devote the last night of each year to celebrating, often times with a smorgasbord of food and stockpile of libations. Many parties last well into the wee hours of the following morning which, in addition to being a deciding factor in many businesses staying closed for the day, also likely plays a hand in another annual tradition: the New Year’s resolution.
It’s no surprise that, after an evening of over-indulgence and debauchery, January 1 is used as the jumping off point for people to pledge to make positive changes in their lives. (“New year, new me,” as the popular phrase goes.)
Resolutions can be tough for people to stick with for the long haul. It’s not always easy to make major changes, and many times they’re simply abandoned after just a few weeks. But, if you’re a business owner who’s looking to ring in the New Year by introducing new ways to help bolster your bottom line, implementation of our software is a simple, cost-effective way to get started.
Wireless Forms let you digitize even the most complicated of paper forms, eliminating the need for costly hard copies and reducing the amount of time they take to fill out. Plus, your workers have no reason to take precious time out of their workdays to shuffle back and forth from the field to the office so paperwork can be filed. Instead, they can take on additional jobs with all that time saved.
With employees less tethered to the home office, our Mobile Timekeeping functionality allows them to punch in from anywhere. Plus, not only can you accurately track their hours, you can make sure they’re where they should be when they punch in (e.g. at a job site). This way, if an employee is running late (or attempting to be deceptive) you know without a shadow of a doubt, letting you adjust their pay accordingly and take any action that may be necessary. (Long story short: It keeps your staff honest and holds them accountable.)
Job Dispatching is a means to disperse new work orders that come in during the day. But it’s not merely an assignment tool; it lets you choose the right person for the job, based on factors like current workload and proximity. This way, your staff can visit more customers each day, while also reducing the amount of fuel consumed traveling between job sites.
Speaking of fuel consumption, have you ever wanted assurances that your drivers are doing everything they can to treat fuel as the precious, costly commodity that it is? We can help with that, too. Track driver behavior for things like hard braking and quick accelerating, excessive idling, and routes taken to make sure they’re following best practices to use as little fuel as possible.
These are just four ways that our solutions can help you keep your business-forward resolution this year. We take care of all the hard work, meaning this is one resolution you’ll have no problem keeping up with. You’ll reap all the rewards with minimal effort on your part.
Have any questions on how Actsoft can help you?
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About the author : Joshua Pramis
Joshua Pramis is a writer and editor with an affinity for all things travel, tech, and food. His work has appeared on Travel + Leisure, Conde Nast Traveler, Digital Trends, and the Daily Meal, among other outlets. When he's not at home canoodling with his cats (which is typical), you'll find him running races, exploring new locales, and trying out different food venues in St Petersburg, Florida.