Vehicles on a map

In today’s economy, companies can be easy targets for people looking to make a quick buck. When it comes to defending assets in a lawsuit, it is critical to have evidence to back up claims or to defend against fraudulent ones. GPS tracking devices can now help save a company thousands or even millions of dollars in legal fees.

Employees and customers also see the opportunity to cheat the system. An unhappy employee may claim owed wages when work was never actually done. An unhappy customer may suggest that a large construction crew or field service company damaged their property. Now, it’s easy to review records, routes, photos, or signatures and verify if activity actually took place — or did not.

Customers often believe they can easily cash in when they see the name of a popular utility company on the side of a van. They may claim faulty service, damage, speeding, or even that a worker arrived late or didn’t even show up at all. Now, there’s proof to confirm or dispute such claims. With GPS tracking technology, companies can save money on legal fees while preserving their reputation.

Keep Workers Accountable
If one of your drivers is in an accident while on the clock, how can you verify whether they were driving dangerously or speeding? If you suspect that an employee was taking unauthorized time off from work and caused an accident while driving back to a job site, can you prove it? You can! When you’re using our solutions, a supervisor can review current and past worker locations, time of arrival, time of departure, work completed, etc. Plus, with the ability to take photos from a worksite and collect customer signatures right at the time of service, not only is there instant verification, but there’s also a quicker way to speed up payroll processes from the field to the office.

Make Your Case
GPS tracking can validate where any employee is, where they have been and when, and if they are/were within or outside the boundaries of a specific, predetermined area at any given time. In the event of an accident, there’s no need to rely on forgetful witnesses. If there was a time lapse between the incident and the claim, important details that make or break a case may be lost.

Save Money
Tracking solutions actually speed up claim processing and cut down on administrative costs. But the real savings comes from the reliability of historical data from GPS tracking to defend against phony claims. Such tracking solutions dramatically cut down administrative costs, keep insurance down, and help avoid unnecessary claims. There’s no need for an in-depth investigation, as GPS tracking system provides the data where and when you need it. This doesn’t just help prevent stress; it can also be expensive. But by keeping a clear record of your fleet activity, you can keep your premiums down and minimize unnecessary claims.

Keep Track
GPS tracking is designed to protect your drivers, save you money, and increase the productivity of your fleet. By keeping an independent record of your fleet’s activities, it’s easy to defend drivers that might be targeted with fraudulent claims, misconduct, or accusations.

Be prepared to defend your fleet against expensive lawsuits. When you install Actsoft’s Encore, you will be able to defend and protect your fleet against expensive lawsuits, save money, increase efficiency, and preserve your company’s reputation.

Have any questions on how Actsoft can help you?

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