Speeding bus

Every day, organizations of all sizes dispatch delivery trucks, service vehicles, vans, passenger cars, and large trucks onto the streets and highways with one goal in mind: Get there as fast (and safely) as possible.

This sense of urgency can sometimes cause drivers to hurry to jobs, often exceeding posted speed limits. The negative side effects of this behavior are fairly obvious: Excessive speeding is dangerous, burns fuel needlessly, adds risk, and increases the expense of overall fleet operations.

The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that excessive speeding decreases fuel economy by up to 20 percent. Even in a small fleet of just 25 vehicles, saving 20 percent of fuel costs each year per vehicle quickly makes an impact. So you can imagine the dramatic impact it can have on larger fleets.

GPS and wireless technology have evolved to the point where vehicle tracking and fleet management technology leverages data such as satellite maps, traffic, and posted speed limits (in near real-time) to help organizations communicate, increase efficiencies, and track data such as fuel consumption, fuel efficiency, vehicle speed, and maintenance schedules. Leveraging this data to improve operational efficiency reduces fuel consumption and saves businesses thousands of dollars a year.

Implementing Encore’s solutions encourages drivers to practice safer driving habits because any unsafe practices are indisputably recorded and they will be held accountable. Once employees know you are monitoring their driving, speed, and gas mileage, they tend to take greater care in how they use company vehicles. This improved behavior saves fuel, reduces unsafe driving, and enhances a company’s reputation with the public.

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