While the time for boat parades and partying toothless hockey players might be over for now, Tampa, FL is still buzzing about their beloved Tampa Bay Lightning winning back-to-back Stanley Cups. To win the praises of Lord Stanley once is difficult enough, but to do it two times in a row is a feat not many hockey teams will achieve over the course of history. What the Bolts accomplished doesn’t solely mean Tampa is now New Hockey Town, USA, but it also gives you a lesson in workforce optimization.
So how did they do it? How has the Stanley Cup trophy come to call Tampa Bay home for two years? The answer is simple; assemble the right people and give them the resources to win, so their output on the ice and in the organization is maximized.
The Lightning organization has done a great job through the years assembling a roster of players that have developed on both an individual and a group level. Finding these players through scouting takes careful metrics and analytics that can make or break an organization. And once that part is done, they’ll need to fit with other players on their team and be on the same page, so they can play cohesively as a team. Your business needs the same thing! The right people doing the right job and the resources to do it efficiently.
Mobile Workforce Plus features like GPS Tracking, Wireless Forms, Mobile Timekeeping, and Job Dispatching empower you to gain powerful insights into your business operations and make key decisions to optimize your capacity. Ensure the highest levels of accountability and the most streamlined workflows so your customers have the most seamless experience possible.
Just like any championship winning team, you need a platform that will empower you to manage your business smarter. Our workforce management platform helps you operate leaner, control your costs, and scale your business for growth in the future.
Actsoft is proud to support all our local Tampa Bay sports teams. Be a champion in your own business by leveraging our software today. Our world class Customer Experience team is standing by, ready to guide you through every step of the process.
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About the author : Constantinos Garoufalidis
Costa Garoufalidis is a Writer and Marketer. He enjoys playing music, soccer, and cheering on his hometown Tampa Bay Lightning.