An inclement weather system

If you’ve been watching the news the last few days, you know that the latest hurricane of the 2018 season threatening the U.S. — Hurricane Michael — is currently barreling its way into the Gulf of Mexico. As it makes its way north, it’s expected to charge up using the warm waters of the Gulf, increasing in strength until it makes landfall, potentially as a Category 3 storm, which means its wind speed will range from 111–130 mph.

As of now, the hurricane’s path is expected to take it to the Florida Panhandle, landing somewhere around Panama. But because these storms are so unpredictable, here at Actsoft, we’re also taking precautions in the event that it takes a sudden turn east toward the Tampa Bay area, where our home office is located.

Inclement weather is not always just an inconvenience. Storms, such as a Category 3 hurricane, can be devastating to the communities unfortunate enough to be caught in their paths. That’s why, whenever possible, local authorities give as much warning to prepare residents for what may come.

That same preparedness is important for business owners. Solutions like the ones we provide often prove to be critical during just such situations.

In the event of a sudden storm, GPS Tracking can help management determine exactly where their deployed field employees are and, in the event there are people in the path of the storm, group messages can be sent to warn them all to seek shelter. Similarly, those messages can also serve as a means to check in with everyone to make sure they’re all safe, sound, and out of harm’s way.

However, if there are days’ advance warning, as in the case of the fast-approaching Hurricane Michael, those same group messages can be used to send a message to all mobile workers in the storm’s trajectory, giving notice as to the company’s plan of action.

Conversely, if you’re in the business of helping people during storms, whether it be through rescue efforts or utility repair, Job Dispatching is the best way to make sure your team is getting to job sites that are of the highest priority and urgency. Plus, since dispatching is tied into GPS, you can make sure you’re sending the closest available person so you’re maximizing time, allowing you to serve as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time.

And of course, from an accounting perspective, our Timekeeping feature lets you keep track of all the extra hours workers are putting in while helping to keep others safe, making sure they’re properly compensated as they potentially put themselves in harm’s way during, and in the wake of, the storm.

Whether you’re also in the path — potential or otherwise — of Hurricane Michael, or any other future storm that will inevitably surface, please stay safe and out of harm’s way whenever possible. And if you do need to put yourself on the line, be careful, and keep in as close contact with your team as possible.

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About the author : Joshua Pramis

Joshua Pramis is a writer and editor with an affinity for all things travel, tech, and food. His work has appeared on Travel + Leisure, Conde Nast Traveler, Digital Trends, and the Daily Meal, among other outlets. When he's not at home canoodling with his cats (which is typical), you'll find him running races, exploring new locales, and trying out different food venues in St Petersburg, Florida.