Effective time management is the spark that ignites impactful productivity and savings. Tracking work time and activities can help increase output and profits, and equipping your staff with mobile timekeeping tools is one of the best ways to track time vs. activities carried out while on the clock. Learn how mobile timekeeping can simplify and streamline employee time management and improve your company’s top and bottom lines.
Use time tracking software to reduce unnecessary and costly overtime.
Mobile timekeeping eliminates the need for field employees to return to the office any time they need to process a new timestamp, helping them stay on-site longer. Time and activity tracking also reduces costly and unnecessary overtime expenses. As unapproved overtime can be a monumental expense for your company, it is imperative that staff can readily punch out before OT accrues. Simplify time tracking and cut costs by bestowing employees with the power to clock in and out digitally.
Implement project management strategies to minimize delays.
Once your field workforce is equipped with digital tools to track time remotely, craft new strategies to help your departments better task-manage each project sequence and outcome. Establish clear expectations for each step of a project and hold your workforce accountable to meet deadlines on time. Using project management software to gather information, raise issues, and communicate updates reduces the risk of delays while promoting a culture of collaboration and teamwork. These kinds of tools and processes will keep your team on task and on track.
Deploy scheduling software to assign workers based on project needs.
Scheduling software enhances time management practices, providing a bird’s-eye view of all upcoming tasks. Giving your field employees access to their current and future assignments will help them plan their work and also limit idle time during and between projects. A scheduling solution that is integrated with mobile timekeeping also helps your dispatchers and administrators make smarter, more profitable assignment decisions based on availability, locations, and skillsets.
Use GPS Tracking and Wireless Forms to track productivity and performance.
Collecting the following data will help set up expectations (e.g., labor costs and timing needed) for future assignments:
- Track GPS information about your employees’ whereabouts at work and acquire location stamps any time they clock in/out.
- Use digital checklists to document project status, emerging issues, and new requests to ensure assignments are moving forward at an acceptable pace.
- Monitor the locations and movement of assets and vehicles; set up alerts to notify administrators when unauthorized activities occur.
- Leverage Wireless Forms to prove completed work (along with photos) and customer acceptance (via signature).
By tracking productivity and timestamps, you can enhance employee accountability.
Update payroll information with digital timesheet data.
Manually transposing timesheet data into a payroll/accounting system can result in costly errors, delays, and missed deadlines. Introducing automation to your time tracking processes results in more seamless management of data and greater ROI for your organization. Your HR or office administrators will no longer need to approve timesheets and then enter the data into two separate applications. Online integration keeps the payroll process timely and efficient.
Streamlining and simplifying time management is more than just monitoring employee time and attendance. Workforce management solutions can correct costly inefficiencies – and position your company for growth – by digitally processing:
- Employees’ hours, locations, availability, and output.
- Project status vs. issues.
- Current and future assignments.
- Asset/vehicle locations and usage.
- Payroll inputs.
Interested in learning how TeamWherx® provides features to mobilize your company’s timekeeping and fortify its profitability? Schedule a personalized, free demo today to get started.
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About the author : Andrew Forest
Drew Forest is a writer, marketer, and content creator. He enjoys traveling, fantasy football, and watching Tampa Bay sports teams win championships.