At its core, workforce management is defined as the processes and activities required to create and maintain a productive workforce. As a business entity, virtually every aspect of your company is influenced by workforce management. The synergy of these aspects generates the success by which third parties evaluate your business.
Any success is worth celebrating, but the opportunity for improvement is omnipresent. Increasing the efficiency of your workforce enables your organization to free up previously misused time for strategic initiatives. There are several methods to increase workforce efficiency, one of which is by transitioning to ‘Wireless Forms.’
Going paperless opens the door to savings of both time and money. While this sounds good, there is definitely plenty of bite to back up this bark. Let’s crunch some real numbers. For instance:
Paul’s Pool Cleaning Company has five employees and each one does an average of five jobs a day. Each job has a triplicate paper form they fill out. In total, that is 25 forms a day, or 500 forms a month.
Let’s break Paul’s Pool Cleaning Company’s situation down into four key areas:
I. Printing Costs – Ordering 500 custom forms costs Paul $90 a month! By transitioning to wireless forms, the cost of paper forms is immediately reduced. The savings can then be allocated elsewhere, expanding Paul’s company’s boundaries.
II. Storage Costs – Paul is buying file cabinets every year to store these forms. In addition to the cabinets, he purchases office space for the cabinets and offsite storage when he runs out of room. Shifting to wireless forms, Paul could eliminate these expenses and save approximately $2,280 a year!
III. Staff Time – Paul’s accountant is spending 2–3 hours a day filing or retrieving files, plus a monthly trip to the offsite storage. These actions culminate in 831 total hours a year spent dedicated to them. Given the national average of $13 an hour for a filing clerk position, Paul can save $10,803 in salary annually by transitioning to paperless forms.
IV. Other Costs – Additional costs such as courier fees, postage, shredding services, etc. can potentially arise and quickly add up while Paul utilizes paper forms.
By switching to wireless forms, Paul’s Pool Cleaning Company can expect a total savings of $14,000 annually. The impact going paperless has on the efficiency of your workforce is tangible in both the money and time saved. If you’re looking to increase your productivity while decreasing your costs, wireless forms are worth exploring!
Next week, we explore the “Workforce Management and the Return on Investment: Dispatching.”
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